Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What are the characteristics of a hero?

Passage:              Three bowls I brought him, and he poured them down. I saw the fuddle and flush come over him, then I sang out in cordial tones: ‘Cyclops, you ask my honorable name? Remember the gift you promised me, and I shall tell you. My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy.’ And he said: ‘Nohbdy’s my meat, then, after I eat his friends. Others come first. There’s a noble gift, now.’

Characteristics:                Brave & Smart

Analyzes:             This passage shows that Odysseus is a brave and smart man.  When Odysseus and his men got to the island, they found a cave. Unfortunately, they met Cyclops. Cyclops is a monster who has only one eye. Cyclops is a strong and horrible monster.  He can eat Odysseus and his men. So Odysseus and his men need to escape from the cave. Cyclops is cunning. He locked Odysseus and his men in the cave and he wanted to eat them all. The horrible things happened to Odysseus and his men. They saw Cyclops ate their friends.  In this horrible situation, Odysseus showed his wisdom. He gave Cyclops wine and told Cyclops his name is nobody. This shows the characteristics of Odysseus which are brave and smart. He needs to have lots of courage to retain clam in this situation. This shows he is very brave. Also, he needs to make a good lie in order he and his men can escape safely. He lied about his name, he called himself nobody. This shows he is very smart because when they escaping Cyclops would yell about his “name” which is nobody. So the other people would think that Cyclops is crazy and Odysseus and his men can escape safely.

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